Taylor Law Group Blog

Bond- A Very Important Part of Your Criminal Defense

Posted by John C. Taylor | Jan 17, 2022 | 0 Comments

Bond- What Is It?  How Is It Determined?  Why Is It Important?

When you are arrested and charged with a crime, the Court must consider whether, and under what conditions, you are to be released while your case proceeds through the Court system.  This is commonly referred to as bond.  Although some cases involve what is called an “ROR bond,” which means you may be released with no monetary expense, most cases involve a dollar amount that the Court deems appropriate that you must pay in order to be released pending trial.  The Court will also consider if certain “bond conditions” are appropriate in your case- this typically is a set of rules or restrictions on your conduct that you must follow while you are released on bond.

The Court considers many factors when setting a bond amount.  The nature and circumstances of the crime you are being accused of will be the initial consideration of the Court, but there are many other factors, primarily related to your life and your circumstances, that weigh heavily into the Court's determination of a fair bond.  The Court will examine your prior criminal history; naturally, the less criminal history you have the better.  If you do have a criminal history, the Court will examine how you well you acted while on a bond for a previous case.  It stands to reason that if you were granted bond in a previous case, but you failed to appear in Court or you violated some condition of that bond, the Court will be more inclined to make your bond very expensive or place extremely strict conditions on you.  A very significant factor when determining bond is your connection to the local community, your standing within the community, and the resources you have, including family and friends, that may assist you in attending required Court appearances as well performing any required conditions of bond.  Mental health concerns as well as risks posed to the alleged victim in the case will also be considered by the Court. 

If the Court initially deems that bond is not appropriate in your case, or if the bond is set at an amount that is unreasonably high or impossible for you to afford, you are entitled to have a Court hearing to reduce the amount of your bond.  At any bond hearing, you are entitled to present witnesses, exhibits and other proof that the Court must consider to determining your bond status and amount. 

Bond is critical in the criminal defense process.  If released on bond, you are out of jail and able to continue your employment in order to support your family.  Family obligations such as parenting and assisting in-home or out-of-home relatives can continue.  If you have personal health matters, these are much more effectively addressed in the community that from the inside of a jail.  Most importantly, while on bond, you are able to more freely meet and consult with your defense team as you prepare to defend the allegations levied against you.   

If you or a loved one have been arrested, bond is a critical part of the legal process that has direct implications to your family, your freedom and your legal defense

Taylor Law Group fights for you in Court.  We know the importance of a reasonable bond for your case, for your family, for your defense, and FOR YOUR FUTURE. 

Contact Taylor Law Group now for all your bond and criminal defense needs!



About the Author

John C. Taylor

John C. Taylor is a Murfreesboro native and a graduate of Oakland High School. He earned his bachelor's degree from Furman University in Greenville, SC, where he participated in the Furman Advantage Research program, studying religion in American politics. John also earned his Master's degree.


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